The form of the application for entering the clan is translated, because online translators can make some mistakes and leaving applications with such mistakes is very undesirable.
But forum administration reminds you, that forum language is Russian and you'll have to use translator in future.
Before leaving an application for entering the clan you'd better look through the topic "About us" and you'd read "The Clan Rules". If you don't agree with some points of the Clan Rules, better do not leave an application.
Form of the application:
1. Name. Residence.
2. Average quantity of hours in game during a day.
3. Age.
4. Character's name.
5. Characters profession and profession of prospective (or existing) subclass.
6. Character level. (If you already have a subclass, subclass level, too)
7. Another characters on this server (names, levels, professions)
8. PvP/PK counter.
9. Reasons of PK, if there are any.
10. Equipment.
11. Can you provide yourself with equipment?
12. Something about yourself.
13. What do you want from our clan?
14. Why do you want to join our clan? Whence about us have learned?
15. In what clans have you been? Why have you left them?
16. Probability of using TeamSpeak. (important)
17. Friends in realty playing on this server (nicknames in game).
18. Way of connection (Modem, ADSL ... ; Home, Job, Internet cafe ...). Connection speed. Limited or unlimited traffic.
19. Obligatory phrase: I undertake to visit regularly the forum of the clan, to be present on sieges (if there is no weighty reason) and other clan actions, in time and without remindings hand over the tax in treasury of a clan, actively participate in the life of the clan, and put interests of a clan above personal interests (in game). I agree with all requirements of the Clan Rules.
ATTENTION! Applications mismatching the form presented above, will not be considered
Each application needs a new theme in this section.