1. Mladen Serbia Belgrade
2. 3-8
3. 19
4. RedBlueWhite
5. HAWK i want to do subb for TempleKnight
6. 65+
7. Dwarf Spoiler 74 lvl BattleDwarf,PP 58 lvl PPky4ka,Elemental Summoner 62 lvl ky4ka
8. 16/8
9. Well i just kill noobs
10.Carnage,PL set, BO set
11.Well,for shore i can get halh monez for my new bow,rest.... ;D
12. I like sieges!!!!!!! Speak eng and плохо по русски ;D
13. Party when i go exping, Good party on sieges with SWS,BD,Warlock....
14. Coz you are holding Gludio,and i like sieges and i want to difend Gludio with you
15. Never had clan on x10
16. When i play from club i have TS from home not
17. DogMatick,lbenzinl,sh0k1ca....
18. ADSL,Home and Internet cafe Connection speed 384kb/s Limited =(
19. I agree all and hardly w8 to go on sieges =)
Отредактировано RedBlueWhite (2007-07-04 23:53:00)